Countless aging individuals sustain fall-related injuries per year. While some may be relatively minor, this is unfortunately not true for others. As such, we at Meridian Home Care, a premier provider of home care in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, find it necessary to bring down the numbers.
For fall prevention strategy, we aim to shed light on the common causes of elderly falls. We hope this will enable seniors and their loved ones to take proactive measures in response to them. These are as follows:
- Medications and Polypharmacy
Older adults are often prescribed several medications that may induce side effects like dizziness or drowsiness, elevating the risk of falls. Loved ones must ensure seniors have regular medication reviews with a healthcare professional to reduce unnecessary medications, fine-tune dosages, or explore alternatives with fewer side effects. For seniors who may be living alone, seeking the help of a professional caregiver in Pennsylvania is highly suggested.
- Environmental Hazards
Clutter, slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and inadequate lighting can significantly increase the risk of trips and falls for seniors in their homes. We advise implementing home modifications that you deem fit to foster the safety of your elderly loved ones. Should you require helping hands, our homemaker service might be the solution you need.
- Chronic Health Conditions
Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis can affect mobility and raise the risk of falls. To effectively manage chronic conditions, it is essential to collaborate with healthcare providers, diligently follow treatment plans, and actively seek symptom control and pain management.
Have you any questions about this or our in-home care services in Pennsylvania? Let us know!
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